Friday, January 16, 2009


i bought one last night. no frills really, but i like it. it's a 2008 toyota corolla black. now i'll need to revisit my budget, but everything should work out.

weigh in: 217

lol, i just accidentally typed 117 instead of 217. i'm not that good... and i don't think i ever really want to be 117, for my height that might be creepy. but yay! another productive week. i haven't been getting enough sleep though, so i need to work on that. i might fall asleep at work today.

it's kinda crazy because since last weigh in i've had several... might i say... questionable food items. like potato skins (the carbiest vegetable in the world, only had 2.5 though). some of an awesome blossom, fried onion thing, i overate at texas roadhouse, and last night i had taco meat that def had sugar in it... so i'm intrigued to know what it could have been without all that. but such is life and i can't be too strict or i'll fall off the wagon. i exercised and i walked a bit more than usual (the carless days).

and since i started in the middle of the month this is my 3 month mark! 47 pounds down and 12 in the last month!


  1. CONGRATS! for the car and the weight loss :)

    GOOD LUCK with those last 22lbs!!

  2. Sweet ride! I am so jelous now, driving in my banged up hyundai.
