Tuesday, June 9, 2009

woah nelly

as you may have guessed i decided to take the one day delay, so i trucked over to the y after work for my week 4 day 2.

woah nelly! that was crazy hard! idk what is was about week 4 day 2 of the couch to 5k, but man i was struggling at the end. it's a brilliant feeling to be done and realize that you ran a total of 16 minutes! not straight, but i'm still amazed. it's 30 minutes post work out and i'm feeling quite chipper... it must be working! imagine a huge smile on my face!

my moving bruises seem to be healing some, and i no longer groan when sitting down or standing up lol. i think i'll take it easy tonight and hopefully i'll be back in pre-moving form tomorrow :)

oh i also forgot to mention the hilarious middle aged man who danced with myself and my two friends at the bar friday night... he told me that i don't miss a beat and that i have moves... hahahahha. i wish you all could have been there!


  1. 16 minutes!!!! Great work!!! Look where you were back in October and then look what you're doing now....and just think of where you'll be in 3-4 more months! :-D You're kicking ass, Laura! The interval training you are doing right now is exactly what you need to get to where you want to be at the end of the program. You're doing unbelievable. Trust me, it was hard for me too.

    I'd dance with ya! :-D


  2. You've gotten past the groaning stage. You're on your way!

  3. Haha, I bet your moves are rockin :)
